
There are some disputes with information that I want to notify you of. As I have been researching I have found that when you come across a location you are not certain of or, when multiple locations become similar, googling the location is always a good idea. Sometimes when people are logging information they get it confused and add a wrong city, county or even state. So checking to make sure a location exists is always a good idea. 

For example: Starting with the beginning of the Edwards Tree, I came across 
- Middleton, Monmouth County, New Jersey (correct)
- Middleton, Chester County, Pennsylvania (incorrect)
- Edgemont, Delaware County, Pennsylvania (almost correct)

There is a Middleton, Monmouth, New Jersey
There is not a Middleton in Chester County, Pennsylvania. However, there is a Middleton, Pennsylvania and a Chester County, Pennsylvania. 
Edgemont, Delaware County, Pennsylvania is actually Edgmont Township, founded in the 1680's in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. But Edgmont Township is not a city that you will find in Delaware County, PA on a map. 

Thomas Hannuel Edwards was born in 1706. I have that he was born in Middleton, Monmouth, New Jersey. Other sources have Orange County, New Jersey. And some sources believe he and his siblings were all born in England (altho this one is most unlikely as most sources have them all born here in the U.S.).  Also I have his marriage location as Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Some other sources have it as Burlington County, Pennsylvania. You will find that he went by Hannuel, so some of his information will not have "Thomas" with his name. But "Thomas" is his given first name. 

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