
After looking at the ancestry and these pictures, I am now a little confused. If anyone can clear up my confusion, please let me know. This picture was believed to be Jeremiah Jonathan and his brothers. But the man on the far left is supposed to be Jeremiah Jonathan, only he looks like he could be the father of the rest of the boys. So I'm wondering if that is Isaac Floyd Edwards and 5 of his sons, Jeremiah J. being the second man from the left (or 1st of back row). But that would leave one son missing. 

I'm not able to load 2 pictures at this time that are believed to be Isaac Floyd Edwards (Jeremiah J.'s father) but he certainly isn't the man in this photo to the far left, so that is why I am questioning who all these men are. 

In this picture, starting from the left, Lee Ellmore Edwards (b 1932), this is believed to be Lee Edgar Edwards (b 1910) but he looks older than that to me, Ada Irene Edwards, baby (?), Lucy Mae Edwards, Amos Robbins, Stella Edwards, Ruth Jenkins Edwards, Lola Irene Edwards Robbins, Child (?), Young girl believed to be Lydia (from Lee & Ruth), first man front left, unknown (possibly Cleo's husband), second man front right, Raymond Walker. 1947 Bentonville AR.

Starting from the left, Cleo Edwards Dupriest, Lucy Mae Edwards Walker, Ada Irene Edwards, Stella Edwards Fleming, Lola Irene Edwards Robbins. 1947 Bentonville, AR.

Orville Edwards, wife Malacha Matheson Edwards, Jerry Don, Lee and little Malacha Edwards. 1936

Lee Ellmore Edwards and his mother Malacha Matheson Edwards August 1951 in Tulsa, OK.

Lee Ellmore Edwards and wife Gladys. 

Orville Edwards and mother Ada Irene Edwards at Creamery in Gravit, AR. 1939

Ada Irene Edwards. She writes on the back "Am sending this so you can see the pin Orville sent me on my birthday - I am sitting in a bed of flowers and reached my hand out like I was swiping & looked up as I was - & then he missed my hand - Ha Ha. Mother". June 1, 1944, at the Beverly Hill Park

Lee Ellmore Edwards & battle buddy Garcia. Lee served in the US Army 1948 - 1952 as a Field Wireman, with the 5th Armored Division, Arkansas. 

Lee Ellmore Edwards and his platoon US Army, Lee is the front right (next to the guy holding the dog)

Orville Edwards July 7, 1963 (I think he looks like my grandpa Parker in this photo, kind of funny) 

Jeremiah Jonathan Edwards 1928 Guymond, OK

Left to right, Unknown, Fay Fleming, Stella Edwards Fleming. Johnson, KS. March 20, 1928

Jerry Don Edwards US Navy

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