Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I haven't been on here in a while. I haven't had time to continue to add. I will try to update as I can so keep checking back for more information. This is a very large tree.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I am back on for a month and am trying to gather as much information and as many documents, records and US Census' that I can. As I'm doing this new information is being discovered for the family tree. I will add this information and any changes to the Disputes/Upadates tab as well as where it belongs on the blog. By adding this information to the Disputes/Updates tab you will be able to correct anything if you have started copying the family tree for yourself. I haven't been working on the blog in awhile, but I am still gathering information and working on the family tree. So make sure to JOIN the blog and check back regularly!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Page Glitch

There seems to be some glitch with the Gravestone Photo tab. It is showing the "Photo" tab on there instead. Not sure why this is, but hopefully Blogger will fix it soon :)  At least this is what I'm seeing when I view the I the only one? Anyway, just in case that's what you're seeing too, I wanted to let you know :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I am in the process of scanning and uploading photos. I have a few old pictures of some Edwards. One of the photos will be familiar to you, but there is some confusion as to who they actually are. We had some theories, but after looking at the ancestry, I'm not so sure. If you know for certain who people are, please tell me so I can identify every one correctly. I will title which ones are not certain, there are only 3. The rest are written on so I know who they are.
I have quite a few pictures that Lee Edwards (our great uncle Lee, Jerry Don's brother) had that his sister-in-law sent me after he had passed. She sent me quite a few things as far as pictures and documents, newspaper articles. The documents are not scanning quite as well as pictures, so those may take longer to post. But as always keep checking back :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More information

As I've been logging info onto the blog, I've been searching the grave stones as well. That is also another good tool for finding ancestry and/or correct dates. If you haven't heard of it, you should go to (it is listed to the left under my fav links). You can find head stones of your ancestors. It is a big help for finding correct dates of birth and death. And if you're lucky, they will have parents, spouses and children listed with them. For example, when searching thru there last night, I found yet even more information to add to our tree :) As I'm still adding to the 7th Generation, I found more family ancestors belonging to 7-Martin Edwards b: 1806. So be sure to add the changes if you are writing this down. As I find headstones, if dates need to be changed, I will update you of those changes. So make sure to check back regularly for that :)

On a different note, I know that most of us know the abbreviations for all 50 states, or at least we think we do. I know that I have questioned a few of them even though I thought I knew them all. So even if you don't think you need this information, I'm going to post it anyway...just in case :)

50 United States Abbreviations:
Alabama - AL          Alaska - AK          Arizona - AZ          
Arkansas - AR          California - CA          Colorado - CO
Connecticut - CT         Delaware - DE          Florida - FL         
Georgia - GA          Hawaii - HI          Idaho - ID          
Illinois - IL          Indiana - IN          Iowa - IA          
Kansas - KS          Kentucky - KY          Louisiana - LA
Maine - ME          Maryland - MD         Massachusetts - MA
Michigan - MI          Minnesota - MN          Mississippi - MS
Missouri - MO          Montana - MT          Nebraska - NE
Nevada - NV         New Hampshire - NH         New Jersey - NJ
New Mexico - NM        New York - NY        North Carolina - NC
North Dakota - ND          Ohio - OH          Oklahoma - OK
Oregon - OR          Pennsylvania - PA         Rhode Island - RI
South Carolina - SC       South Dakota - SD      Tennessee - TN
Texas - TX          Utah - UT         Vermont - VT           
Virginia - VA        Washington - WA        West Virginia - WV
Wisconsin - WI          Wyoming - WY

Monday, July 16, 2012

Chugging along

I'm still adding the family tree, as I said it will take a little time. I've been working on it as much as possible the last few days. I have photographs and census forms and other documents to scan and post. My printer/scanner is on the fritz at the moment, so be patient as those will take longer. I do have some gravestone pictures that I am adding as I go, so be sure to check those out. Hope you are enjoying the information. And don't forget to join the blog to keep track of it easily :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Another thing to add when researching ancestry. Going back in history you will find that people named each other all the same names. For example, sons were named after their fathers, grandfathers, uncles. Daughters were named after mothers, grandmothers, aunts. This can make research very confusing and a lot of times make information incorrect. Altho we still use family names today when naming our children and there are still jr.'s, II and III's, you don't see it as much anymore. And when I say they named everyone the same, you'll see as you go thru the Family Tree.  It is especially bad when you have popular surnames as Edwards, Smith and Parker, etc. So keep this in mind when researching. This is another reason there is a Dispute Tab on here, if there is something I have found several different information on I will post it in case what my sources have are wrong.