Tuesday, July 17, 2012

More information

As I've been logging info onto the blog, I've been searching the grave stones as well. That is also another good tool for finding ancestry and/or correct dates. If you haven't heard of it, you should go to findagrave.com (it is listed to the left under my fav links). You can find head stones of your ancestors. It is a big help for finding correct dates of birth and death. And if you're lucky, they will have parents, spouses and children listed with them. For example, when searching thru there last night, I found yet even more information to add to our tree :) As I'm still adding to the 7th Generation, I found more family ancestors belonging to 7-Martin Edwards b: 1806. So be sure to add the changes if you are writing this down. As I find headstones, if dates need to be changed, I will update you of those changes. So make sure to check back regularly for that :)

On a different note, I know that most of us know the abbreviations for all 50 states, or at least we think we do. I know that I have questioned a few of them even though I thought I knew them all. So even if you don't think you need this information, I'm going to post it anyway...just in case :)

50 United States Abbreviations:
Alabama - AL          Alaska - AK          Arizona - AZ          
Arkansas - AR          California - CA          Colorado - CO
Connecticut - CT         Delaware - DE          Florida - FL         
Georgia - GA          Hawaii - HI          Idaho - ID          
Illinois - IL          Indiana - IN          Iowa - IA          
Kansas - KS          Kentucky - KY          Louisiana - LA
Maine - ME          Maryland - MD         Massachusetts - MA
Michigan - MI          Minnesota - MN          Mississippi - MS
Missouri - MO          Montana - MT          Nebraska - NE
Nevada - NV         New Hampshire - NH         New Jersey - NJ
New Mexico - NM        New York - NY        North Carolina - NC
North Dakota - ND          Ohio - OH          Oklahoma - OK
Oregon - OR          Pennsylvania - PA         Rhode Island - RI
South Carolina - SC       South Dakota - SD      Tennessee - TN
Texas - TX          Utah - UT         Vermont - VT           
Virginia - VA        Washington - WA        West Virginia - WV
Wisconsin - WI          Wyoming - WY

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