Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Another thing to add when researching ancestry. Going back in history you will find that people named each other all the same names. For example, sons were named after their fathers, grandfathers, uncles. Daughters were named after mothers, grandmothers, aunts. This can make research very confusing and a lot of times make information incorrect. Altho we still use family names today when naming our children and there are still jr.'s, II and III's, you don't see it as much anymore. And when I say they named everyone the same, you'll see as you go thru the Family Tree.  It is especially bad when you have popular surnames as Edwards, Smith and Parker, etc. So keep this in mind when researching. This is another reason there is a Dispute Tab on here, if there is something I have found several different information on I will post it in case what my sources have are wrong. 

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